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Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy VD DAY!

Well I guess its officially Valentines Day, Three bottles of Wine later, and I'm still up, it's 5:00 am and I come to realize, I'm not ready for any Relationship nor do I feel I need to be validated by someone else! No, I will wait it out, For I wan't to believe that Joe is still around me, and he'll come back for me Eventually, thats all I need to know or feel right now. So Joe, I'm waiting, I love you with all my Heart, Body and soul, thats the same Words you would say in every Letter you'd leave me, even if it was to tell me your running to the Store or some shit. Anyways, bad evening, Breakdown, Cry, now its off to Bed, to do it all over again tomorrow...Peace out...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rick
    I just stumbled across your blog via Born that Way. I've figured that most people that were followers would be pretty open minded.
    I'm not gay, I've had a blog for about 2 or so years and it can be a good thing. Someone suggested that I write down my feelings and little did they know (if they ever saw it) the can of worms they led me to open.
    Keep going with it. It takes a while to get in the groove.
    Please feel free to visit my blog anytime.
    x Laroo
